Life Hacks For The Household

Household Tips

Here are some household tips which I picked up recently.

Using chalk to reduce moisture / dehumidify closets

If your closets have a musky smell, it means that the humidity levels is high. Leave a bundle of chalk in your closet to keep it dry and fresh. The chalk absorbs the moisture from the air.
Discard it when the chalk feels a bit damp / not like "fresh" chalk.

Using pandan leaves as a refrigerator freshener

Sometimes your fridge may smell bad because of fish, meat or other food that went bad. Pop in a bunch of washed pandan leaves, tied in a bundle with a rubber band and leave it inside. It will kill off those odours and gives a fresh pandan fragrance.
What is pandan leaves?

Natural mosquito repellent

Slice a lime into half and insert some cloves into the flesh and leave it where the mosquitoes cause a nuisance.

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